Dennis L. Peterson

Mar 6, 20203 min

The Conundrum of a 21st-Century Author

Although that scenario is certainly still possible, it is becoming harder and more rare. This new reality came to my attention the other day when I ran across a report by Dr. Christine Larson of the University of Colorado-Boulder.

Larson summarized the findings of a 72-question survey of 5,067 members of several different author organizations, most notably the Authors Guild. She presented numerous statistics showing “a shrinking number of [book] retailers and major publishers,” lower amounts of advances, less author-friendly terms in contracts, reduced marketing by publishers with more marketing efforts being required of authors, less time for actual writing activities, and a devaluing of the product of writing.

Larson also offered several possible explanations for the declining prospects of authors today. It’s hard to say which are the causes and which are the effects. To me, it seems to be a self-perpetuating cycle.

Brick-and-mortar bookstores are becoming rarer. Consider what happened to Borders. The same problems are squeezing Christian bookstores as well, forcing them to consolidate or even close. If it’s hard for national chains to remain afloat, think of the difficulties of small, independent booksellers.

And why is this happening? We can thank (or blame) three new realities: Amazon, e-publishing, and the new ease of self-publishing. Because of the sheer power of the economy of scale, the quantity of stock that Amazon can advertise and deliver, it can reduce prices that a brick-and-mortar bookstore simply can’t approach and still meet the obligations of overhead required. The advent of e-books allowed for book production at even lower prices. And the lower prices for books, both print and electronic, means lower royalty income for the authors of those books.

Compounding the effects of e-publishing is the rise of self-publishing, which has been facilitated by e-publishing capabilities, making it less costly for authors who choose that route. This new technology has allowed many otherwise unpublished (or unpublishable by traditional standards) writers to become authors. That has resulted in a glut of books, especially through the internet and in e-format. The down side of that reality is that not all of those self-published books are of good quality. There is a good reason why many traditional publishers were unwilling to publish such “writing!” (As an independent editor, I’ve had to deal with a good number of them.) What once was generally considered “vanity publishing,” which honorable and respectable booksellers wouldn’t even consider carrying on their shelves, has now become the fast track to fame and fortune. Or neither.

Don’t misunderstand me. There is a place for self-publishing, and some self-published works are of quite good quality. I’ve even self-published a few books myself (using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing). But whereas traditional publishers are now doing reduced marketing for their authors, self-publishing puts ALL marketing and all risk on the shoulders of the writer, a task that most writers neither enjoy nor are gifted to do. It also means that we have less time to do what we do love and are equipped to do, and that is to write.

I’ve also noticed something else about e-publishing. Increasingly more, I’m finding products the authors of which are presenting as “books” that fall far short of what I consider a true book. For example, I fell for a pitch and bought an e-book that, when I received and opened it, turned out to be no more than about 30 pages long and in about 28-point type. That kind of thing isn’t a book; it’s a con! Such practices give legitimate e-book authors who have a worthy message to deliver a bad name because people tend to lump all such writers into a single, foul-smelling heap.

Caveat emptor!

If one examines the world of writers today, he or she will discover that it is populated by true writers who are doing their best to produce high-quality products, whether traditionally or self-published, print or electronic. But one will also find some shysters in the crowd, people who are out for a quick buck. And one will run across a lot of wannabes, people who aren’t willing to do the work, take the time, pay their dues, and thereby earn the title of “author.” They don’t really want to write; they merely want to be called writers.

In such a world, what’s an author with something worth sharing to do? I welcome your thoughts on this issue.

#writing #reading #writers #books #publishing #editing #perseverance
