Recently, I did something I seldom do but that I have determined to do more often: I read a novel. I’m glad I did.
The novel, Autumn Frost by M.D. Schlatter, is part of her in-progress series. (The next installment is Winter Tumult. Who knows? I might read that book, too; perhaps the entire series. For me to read any fiction is an accomplishment; an entire series would be amazing.)
Modern society is characterized by incivility, a conscious informality in dress, speech, conduct , and relationships. In a bygone era, civilization meant civility in all aspects of life. I often wish for a return to days of civil order, good manners, and consideration for others. Schlatter creates a microcosm of such a society in Autumn Frost.
A troubled young lady living with her demanding and overprotective widowed father runs from home and accepts a job that tosses her into a household where social order, civility, and grace are guiding principles. The novel traces her growth and development to full adulthood and appreciation for order and spiritual fulfillment. The plot contains surprising twists and turns and forces the reader to suspend disbelief (“This could never really happen today!”).
I enjoyed the story. I think you will, too.